The Hype on Big River Silk Skincare's GlycoShea Creams
George Woodbury Jr. M.D. (07/13/2022)
Memphis Dermatologists like myself frequently talk with patients about replenishing moisturizers for eczema and psoriasis, which can cause skin cracking and fissuring, and miserable itching.
In 2016, after 25 years of practicing Dermatology, I decided to pull together 25 years of working with people with eczema to incorporate Big River Silk™ Skincare Inc., manufacturer and distributor of the GlycoShea Creams, organic moisturizers and cleansers. Our logo is Science Simplifying Skincare™. We emphasize simple formulas, avoiding fragrances, dyes, formaldehyde, lanolin, parabens, and sulfates.
Our flagship anti-skin aging line of moisturizers is the GlycoShea™ Creams – with what’s called an Alpha-hydroxy Acid ingredient called Glycolic Acid – originally discovered in pineapple and sugarcane. The GlycoShea Creams could be called anti-wrinkle creams, promoting better skin tone, evenness of skin color, and skin smoothness, reducing prior damage from the sun.
Our flagship skincare product is GlycoShea™ Facial&Neck Cream, a smooth blend of Refined Shea Butter and Glycolic Acid, which we blend into a fine emulsion, to quench your skin’s search for lubrication (1 oz: $39.95/2 oz: $59.95/8 oz: $179.95).
GlycoShea™ Hand&Body Cream makes a great hand and foot lubricant – because its Shea Butter moisturizes while its Glycolic Acid removed rough dry scale from the surface of the skin. It also helps to remove sun damage – such as color splotchiness or dry wrinkled areas. Available in Standard Strength (1 oz: $19.95/2 oz: $29.95/8 oz: $89.95) and High Strength (1 oz: $$29.95; 2 oz: $44.95; 8 oz: $134.95).
We also manufacture a special line of moisturizers for babies, seniors, and people with especially sensitive skin – the HypoShea™ Creams - with the beneficial moisturizing effects of the GlycoShea lines while being free of acids. HypoShea is a smooth blend of Refined Shea Butter and some of the purest natural water in the United States, from the Memphis Sands, and it’s free of acids, dyes, added perfumes, and formaldehyde (1 oz: $13.95/2 oz: $18.95/8 oz; $39.95).
Big River Silk Skincare shipping and handling is $5.00 via USPS, but shipping and handling is complimentary for orders over $39.95. Check us out at, or call us at 1-901-753-0168. Or you can pick up any of the products at our international headquarters, at 8143 Walnut Grove Road, Cordova TN 38018.
For more, check us out on Instagram or Facebook.
And if you have an actual skin disease, my own Dermatology practice is with Rheumatology and Dermatology (, or you can find a Dermatologist close to you by going to the American Academy of Dermatology web site,, then plugging your zip code into the “Find a Dermatologist” tab.
George Woodbury Jr. M.D.
Board-certified Dermatologist and President of Big River Silk Skincare Inc.
8143 Walnut Grove Road
Cordova TN 38018